Dean of Students

The glue that holds the campus community together

The Dean of Students is the main office of the Office of Student Life. We connect students to resources and help create policies that improve everyone’s experience at IU Bloomington.

If you don’t know who to contact or where to start, the Dean of Students Office can help. Our staff helps you deal with the heavy issues, so you can focus on learning, growing, and graduating.

students wearing shirts that say culture of care, standing behind a table with papers and a game wheel on it

Stop Sexual Violence IU

We are committed to ending sexual violence and misconduct. We work with Culture of Care to provide bystander intervention programs and help students overcome the physical and emotional impacts of sexual violence and misconduct.

Stop Sexual Violence
a graphic with the words it's on us

It’s On Us

It’s On Us to end sexual assault at IU. It’s On Us is a national awareness campaign to address the issue of sexual assault on college campuses. It’s On Us encourages everyone to make a personal commitment to step up and help prevent sexual assault.

It’s On Us

Parent and Families

Parents and family members: check out the website dedicated to Hoosier Families! You'll find information and resources about Family Weekend, the Parents Advisory Board, campus, and much more. 

Parent and Family Resources
a father and son smiling, wearing Indiana University shirts

IU Expressive Activity Policy

This policy reaffirms IU's commitment to upholding the principles of free speech while fostering a safe, respectful, and inclusive campus environment.

Read the new Expressive Activity Policy here