To be a registered student organization at Indiana University Bloomington, your organization must:
- Register on beINvolved
- Write a constitution
- Have at least one faculty/staff advisor listed on your beINvolved roster who is employed by Indiana University Bloomington (cannot be an undergraduate student)
- Have five enrolled IU Bloomington student members
- Reregister annually on beINvolved
- Meet with the Student Organization Registration Committee (if necessary)
Self-Governed Student organizations are responsible for providing proof of the completion of requirements to Student Involvement and Leadership before they can be registered. Additionally, the organization must provide proof of the completion of requirements before they can renew their organization’s registration in subsequent years.
You may not register “dummy” student organizations for the purpose of for-profit ventures. Individuals who do so will be in violation of the IU Student Code of Ethics and may be subject to sanctioning through the Office of Student Conduct.
Annual reregistration is required in order to maintain your access to student organization benefits. If your organization does not reregister for the upcoming academic year, your benefits (including space reservation) will expire.
Only students who are willing to serve as the primary contact for the organization should complete the reregistration form.
Once you have submitted your reregistration form on beINvolved, Student Involvement and Leadership will review your form and either approve it or request changes. You will receive a confirmation email once it has been reviewed.
Your organization is only considered registered when your reregistration form is officially approved.
Student Organization Registration Committee
In addition to the electronic registration process on beINvolved, new organizations and select reregistering student organizations with inherent risk will meet with the Student Organization Registration Committee. Student organizations with inherent risk may be asked to fulfill additional registration requirements in order to minimize such risks and provide a safe involvement environment for all participants.
The Student Organization Registration Committee includes representatives from:
- Student Involvement and Leadership
- IU Campus Recreational Sports
- IU Outdoor Adventures
- Indiana University Student Government (IUSG)
- Additional members as needed
The committee meets with executive officers of the organization to learn about the activities of the organization and to determine the physical, emotional, financial, facility, and/or reputational risk that may be involved.
Student organizations are required to have at least five enrolled IU Bloomington students on their roster when registering for the first time and when reregistering.
IU faculty, staff, and local community members are welcome to join any student organization at IU Bloomington. However, only enrolled IU Bloomington students can serve as officers and/or access student organization services through Student Involvement and Leadership.
All student members must be listed on your organization’s beINvolved roster.
Indiana University Bloomington recognizes and supports the development of all student organizations. Self-Governed Student Organizations (SGSOs) are not departments or administrative units of Indiana University, and therefore the IU Legal Counsel requires all student groups who choose to use the Indiana University or IU name to clearly indicate in their organizational title, constitution, and paraphernalia that they are “at Indiana University.”
The purpose of this distinction is to ensure that outside organizations that do interact with student organizations are aware that their dealings are with the club or group and not with the university itself.
Student organizations may use Indiana University before the title or name of the group only if the organization receives money from the Committee for Fee Review, or upon approval by the dean of students.
The use of “Indiana,” “Hoosiers,” “Cream and Crimson,” and any other IU-related words and phrases are not permitted for use in Self-Governed Student Organization names. For a full list of IU trademarked words and phrases, see the Promotional Products Style Guide.
All student organizations must create and maintain a constitution. A constitution contains the fundamental principles which govern an organization's operation. The development of a constitution will serve to clarify your purpose and delineate your basic operating structure. It will also allow current and potential members to have a better understanding of what the organization is all about.
These clauses MUST appear exactly as written in EVERY student organization constitution:
- Statement of University Compliance: This organization shall comply with all Indiana University regulations and local, state, and federal laws.
- Anti-Hazing Policy: Hazing is strictly prohibited. Hazing shall be defined as any conduct which subjects another person, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or psychologically, to anything that may endanger, abuse, degrade, or intimidate the person as a condition of association with a group or organization, regardless of the person’s consent or lack of consent.
- Personal Gain Clause: This organization, if raising funds, shall ethically raise and distribute profits from organizational functions to either the organization or to members who provide a service that directly benefits the organization. Individual members may not receive compensation from for-profit companies if acting as a representative of a student organization.
The following clauses may also be required based on your organization's activities:
- Programs Involving Children: This organization, when working with children, will be aware of and abide by the university's Programs Involving Children (PIC) Policy.
- International Travel: This organization, when traveling internationally, will coordinate their travel through the Office of Overseas Study.