Drugs & Alcohol Programs

Workshops and presentations

This workshop teaches students to recognize signs of alcohol poisoning and drug overdose, focusing on life-saving skills training such as rescue breathing and naloxone use.

D.O.P.E. also introduces attendees to drug and alcohol prevention resources on campus and in the Bloomington community.

This workshop is designed to help students and organizations examine the role that alcohol plays in their lives; teach skills to moderate alcohol use in order to mitigate negative consequences; and understand how other drugs can influence the effects of alcohol. Additionally, students learn how to recognize the signs of overdose and intervene safely.

This workshop introduces non-recovering members of the IU Bloomington community to addiction and recovery on campus. It also reviews ways to advocate for members of the community in recovery from various forms of addiction or substance abuse, including alcohol, drug, and behavioral addictions (e.g. overeating, gambling, sex, shopping, etc.).

This training will teach participants the impact of language on stigma, advocacy efforts for individuals in recovery, and the composition of a personal message using tested techniques.

Get involved in Substance Use Intervention Services

Harm Reduction Team

Substance Use Intervention Services hires a team of undergraduate and graduate students each spring for the following academic year to work on its Harm Reduction Team. This team is responsible for educational workshops, tabling, health fairs, and the promotion of safety efforts on campus.

If you are interested in joining to team or volunteering at programs or events, contact subuse@iu.edu.

Practicum and internship experiences

Substance Use Intervention Services works with many schools and departments on the IU campus. If you are interested in completing an internship or practicum placement with Substance Use Intervention Services, please contact our intervention coordinator, Heather Barrett, at 812-856-3898 or email barretth@indiana.edu.