Lead a Student Organization

How-To Workshops for Student Orgs

This semester, join the Student Involvement and Leadership Center for our fall workshop series! Attend one or multiple workshops to learn new skills and gain knowledge that will ensure your organization’s success now and in the future. 

Wednesday, Sept. 4 
3:30–4:30 p.m. & 5–6 p.m. 
Indiana Memorial Union, Walnut Room 

Wondering how to hold an event on campus? We’ll teach you all about the process.

Sign up for the afternoon and evening sessions on beINvolved to reserve your spot.

Wednesday, Sept. 18 
3:30–4:30 p.m. & 5–6 p.m. 
IMU State Room East 

Join us in a conversation centered around free speech and how to develop an environment that welcomes self-expression.

Sign up for the afternoon and evening sessions on beINvolved to reserve your spot.

Wednesday, Oct. 2 
3:30–4:30 p.m. & 5–6 p.m. 
IMU Maple Room

Learn how to become a supplier on Buy.IU and begin receiving funds for your self-governed student organization. 

Pre-registration is required. Sign up for the afternoon or evening session through beINvolved by Wednesday, Sept. 25 to reserve your spot.

Wednesday, Oct. 23 
3:30–4:30 p.m. & 5–6 p.m. 
IMU Walnut Room

Have events coming up? Need help planning them? We’ve got you covered.

Sign up for the afternoon and evening sessions on beINvolved to reserve your spot. 

Wednesday, Nov. 13 
3:30–4:30 p.m. & 5–6 p.m. 
IMU Persimmon Room

Registered as a supplier through Buy.IU? Learn about address updates, direct deposit, and more.

Sign up for the afternoon and evening sessions on beINvolved to reserve your spot.