Lifeline Law

Make the call, safe a life

The Indiana Lifeline Law provides limited immunity from arrest and prosecution for the crimes of public intoxication, minor possession, minor consumption, and minor transport to persons who seek medical assistance for a person suffering from an alcohol-related health emergency.

In order to receive immunity, the person must demonstrate that they are acting in good faith by completing ALL of the following:

  • Providing their full name and any other relevant information requested by law enforcement officers
  • Remaining on the scene with the person in need of help until law enforcement and emergency medical assistance arrive
  • Cooperating with authorities on the scene

The law will not interfere with law enforcement procedures or limit the ability to prosecute for other criminal offenses such as providing to a minor, operating while intoxicated, or possession of a controlled substance.

Call 911

If someone appears to be in need of medical attention, never hesitate to call 911, even if you're not sure how serious the condition is. One call can make all the difference.

Get help

Don't go anywhere. Always stay with the person needing help. You may be able to provide valuable information and assist authorities until the situation has been resolved.

Save a life

The Lifeline Law makes it clear to young adults throughout Indiana that our priority is to get professional medical care to those who need it, no matter the circumstances.