Student Wellness

Find a healthy balance

Student Wellness provides strength-based prevention programs and initiatives. The unit's primary mission is to cultivate personal and community well-being for all students in college and beyond. Our prevention resources and programming are extensive and tailored for a diverse, college-aged population, with tools and services included to be well and promote a healthy campus community.

Wellness has many components, and finding balance may involve exploring different areas, including physical, mental, spiritual, cultural, and environmental health. Resources and programs are available to students who are seeking solutions to manage and rethink stress, improve time management, increase productivity, set realistic goals, and enhance social and emotional health.

Additionally, on-site nutrition counseling is available for students interested in finding a healthy diet that is right for them.

Promoting healthy lifestyles and behaviors

Behaviors and habits such as diet, exercise, substance use, sleep, relationships, sexual behavior, stress management, and time management are still developing in college students, and they often affect their health and academic success. From eating well and getting enough sleep to managing stress, our services help students develop healthy strategies that will last a lifetime.

Health education services, workshops, and programs include:

  • Nutrition
  • Stress Management
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Resilience and Positive Thinking
  • Procrastination and Time Management
  • Sleep
  • Adjusting to College
  • Developing Healthy Coping Skills
  • Goal Setting
  • Self-Care
  • Cultural Competency
  • Environmental Health
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • Peer Educator Development and Advocacy