Student Life Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Planning Committee

  • Brian Richardson, Jr., Senior Advisor to the Vice Provost of Student Life, Co-Chair
  • Libby Spotts, Senior Associate Dean of Students, Co-Chair
  • Dr. Nicky Belle, Associate Director, Student Involvement and Leadership Center
  • Terri Hill, Senior Director of Development, Scholarships and Student Experience
  • Tammy Ostroski, Medical Director, Student Health Center
  • Brandon Ice, Associate Director, Residence Life
  • Dr. Gloria Howell, Director, Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center
  • Molly Murphy, Student Services Coordinator, Dean of Students Office
  • Victoria Ford, Student Representative
  • Aissatou Mbengue, Student Representative
  • Cooper Tinsley, Student Representative
  • Jadeyn Hammes, Student Representative
  • Jessie Schuster, Student Representative
  • Brayden Tanner, Student Representative
  • Kamryn Horne, Student Representative
  • Ramir D'juan Williams, Student Representative

How you can participate

Monthly updates

Two Crimson Conversations were held for Student Life staff where staff feedback was collected and questions were answered. The feedback we gathered through small group work will help further guide the process.

Our Strategic Planning Committee convened and introduced sub-committees. The sub-committees began developing questions, outlining data and the role data will play in this process, and identifying role descriptors.

Through thorough data collection related to key areas of the Office of Student Life mission, vision, and values, the Strategic Planning Committee developed core questions for student, faculty, and staff feedback. The committee met and shared updates from sub-committee work that has begun. Sub-committees are currently looking at all three pillars of the Office of Student Life to hone their work and tailor it toward the targeted outreach that is upcoming with specific stakeholders. The core questions will be presented in upcoming listening sessions in January and February, in-person and online. The committee will also be going to key partners to collect additional perspectives.

The Office of Student Life made significant strides in its strategic planning efforts by engaging key stakeholders in meaningful discussions. We hosted two focus groups that featured representatives from across the entire Student Life portfolio and student organization leaders to gather insights on priorities and opportunities for growth. Following these sessions, the committee carefully reviewed focus group notes, began analyzing the data, and identified emerging themes and potential strategic outcomes. To ensure a well-rounded understanding, the committee also distributed post-focus group surveys, allowing participants to provide additional feedback. These efforts set a strong foundation for shaping a strategic plan that reflects the needs and aspirations of our campus community.

The focus this month was on continuing to seek broadening stakeholder input and refining our data analysis. The committee was invited to speak to the Parent Advisory Board and hosted a dedicated focus group with them, incorporating the perspectives of families who play a critical role in student success. Notes from this session were reviewed alongside data from the previous focus groups to identify recurring themes and align key insights.