Campus Accessibility

A campus that’s accessible to everyone

At Indiana University Bloomington, we’re committed to providing an inclusive and accessible campus environment for our students, faculty, staff, and visitors, including those with qualifying medical conditions, under the Americans with Disabilities Act. We strive to offer accessible options for all aspects of daily life on campus. If you encounter any accessibility barriers on campus, we encourage you to report them so we can make improvements.

For more information about accessibility at IU Bloomington, visit ADA @ IU.


Accessible parking facilities

Almost all parking facilities on campus are accessible.

View a map of accessible parking facilities

Disabled parking permits

Students in need of a disability parking pass should contact Parking Operations for assistance. IU maintains several disability parking spaces around its campus.

Get a disabled permit

Accessible Parking

If you have mobility impairments, you may park in the disability parking spaces directly behind the Eigenmann Hall building while meeting with staff.  

Call ahead to make arrangements, or call from the Eigenmann Hall parking lot, and a staff person will bring you a permit (during business hours).

IU Housing

IU Housing has a verification process for students who need an accessibility measure in on-campus housing. Students should complete and submit a Medical Verification Form to request housing accommodations. IU Housing can be reached by calling 812-855-1764 or through their Contact Form.

Reach out to IU Housing

Service and emotional support animals

The use of service animals such as guide dogs is covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). With a few exceptions (due to health and safety concerns), service dogs are permitted anywhere the handler is permitted on the IU Bloomington campus.

The use of emotional support animals is not covered under the ADA. Emotional support animals are permitted on campus only with prior approval in the residence halls.

Learn about service and emotional support animals

Report an accessibility barrier

Make a report