Large Event Processes

Processes for sororities and fraternities hosting or sponsoring large event and events with high profile performers

As stated in the OSFL Social Events Policy, an event with 500 or more planned or expected attendees is considered a Large Event. Large Events and Events with High-Profile Performers are only permitted between Thursday at 12:00 p.m. EST through Sunday at 5:00 p.m. EST, subject to the guidelines and limitations contained in the OSFL Social Events policy and this policy. High-Profile Performers are defined as any hired entertainer with a contract who will be providing entertainment for attendees at an event.

No more than four Greek Organizations may co-sponsor an event with alcohol and any events with alcohol at a Greek House or on campus must have less than 500 attendees. Organizations interested in hosting or co-sponsoring a Large Event or any type of concert, including an Event with a High-Profile Performer, must follow the university event request processes for self-governing student organizations and submit a High-Profile Performer/Large Event Interest Form. Interest forms must be submitted at least six weeks before an event that does not take place during Homecoming or Little 500 Week.

Event Processes

Each organization is required to follow the guidelines outlined in the Social Events Policy and the University Recognized Housing Policy, and must also complete a checklist for Large Events and Events with High-Profile Performers. The checklist regarding documentation required and expectations pertaining to the meeting with the Campus Space Reservations is outlined below.

The following expectations must also be met: 

  • Contracts: Contracts with performers may not be signed until the Greek Organizations (GO) hosting and co-sponsoring the event meets with an Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life (OSFL) representative to review the date and time of the event, OSFL policies, the City of Bloomington noise ordinance, and any potential conflicts with university events. Organizations should provide their Headquarters a copy of the contract for review to ensure it complies with their organization's risk management policy prior to signing the contract. Submit the High-Profile Performer/Large Event Interest Form in order to schedule this initial meeting.
  • Noise Ordinance: All events must be compliant with fire codes and local amplified sound restrictions, such as the City of Bloomington's noise ordinance and respective on-campus policies where applicable.
  • Event Insurance: Organizations must provide documentation that their Certificate of Insurance (COI) covers the large event/event with high-profile performer or obtain special event insurance for the event. Organizations must contact their Headquarters and/or their insurance provider at least 60 days prior to the event to ensure they have coverage for the event.
  • Hired Security and Event Monitors: Large Events and Events with High-Profile Performers must have at least five (5) trained and licensed security guards in addition to any needs required by the performer. The GOs hosting or sponsoring the event will be required to meet with the Campus Space Reservation Committee or a representative from the committee at least one month prior to the event. Large events are limited to a maximum of 1,000 attendees total. There must be a ratio of 1 Event Monitor and/or Security Guard per 20 attendees. For events that take place on campus or in University Recognized Housing, all security hired to work the event must be on Indiana University’s approved vendor list. Depending on the nature of the event, the Campus Space Reservation Committee in their sole discretion may waive or alter the requirement for licensed security if alcohol is not present.
    • Any changes to the security plan presented to the Campus Space Reservation Committee must be submitted and approved at least 96 hours in advance of the event.
    • The Vice Provost for Student Life and/or their designee reserves the right to prohibit any activities at a proposed event that are in violation of university policy, local, state, or federal law, or that endanger student health and safety.
  • Event Notifications: Each organization co-sponsoring the event is required to follow the Event Notification process outlined in the OSFL Social Events Policy.

Large Event/Event with High-Profile Performer Checklist:

To ensure adequate planning for Large Events and Events with High-Profile Performers, the following expectations must be met for any Greek Organizations registering a Large Event or Event with a High-Profile Performer:

  • Submit the Large Event or High-Profile Performer Interest Form at least four weeks in advance and by September 1 for events taking place during the fall semester and by February 1 for events taking place during the spring semester.
    • Following the receipt of the interest form, the organization will receive an invitation to meet with the Campus Space Reservation Committee. During that meeting the organization will be expected to present on the following items:
      • Provide an overview of the event
      • Review the chapter’s risk management plan and procedures for the event
      • Provide information regarding the chapter’s experience planning and hosting large events or events with high profile performers
      • Check in and check out expectations, including the chapter’s plans for the guest and attendance list
      • Event map or overview of the space set-up, which should include the stage, lights, and security officers
      • Ticket sales (if applicable)
      • Event monitor plan, including information regarding hired security, which should include the name of the company and number of officers
      • Emergency contact for the event
      • How the organization plans to comply with the City of Bloomington noise ordinance (if applicable)
  • Review and have a plan to follow all expectations outlined in the OSFL Recognition Policy, OSFL Social Events Policy and the University Recognized Housing Policy prior to submitting the interest form and planning the event.

Documentation Required:

In addition to submitting the High-Profile Performer/Large Event Interest Form, the organization(s) must also submit the appropriate event notification forms to the University Event Registration Committee (at least 10 business days in advance) and to the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life (see the OSFL Social Events Policy for Event Notification expectations and timelines). This is to ensure that all university departments are aware that the event is taking place. 

The following documentation is required from organizations co-sponsoring the event. The chapter president will receive a link to a folder where the documents should be submitted for the committee to review. All documentation must be submitted in this format to be reviewed.

  • All paired or co-sponsoring organizations, including the host organization, must submit a letter from their chapter advisor acknowledging and indicating that the chapter advisor has reviewed the organization’s risk management policy with the chapter leadership.
  • If an event is taking place at a Greek House, the host organization must submit a letter from their headquarters acknowledging the event and indicating that a representative has reviewed the organization’s risk management policy with the chapter leadership. At the discretion of the Campus Space Reservation Committee, a paired or co-sponsoring organization may also be asked to submit a letter from their headquarters.
  • If an event is taking place at a Greek House, the host organization must submit a letter from the House Corporation Board acknowledging that they are aware of the event taking place and have reviewed expectations pertaining to the facility and the University Recognized Housing Policy with the chapter.
  • If an event is taking place at a Greek House, the host organization must have their live-in advisor and/or House Director present at the facility throughout the duration of the event. This organization must submit a letter from the live-in advisor and/or House Director confirming that they will be present and have discussed the event with chapter leadership.
  • For events taking place on campus or in Greek Housing, the host organization must schedule a meeting with Insurance, Loss, Control & Claims (INLOCC) to review the total capacity of the event space and to obtain approval of the stage or platform if applicable. OSFL can provide contact information for INLOCC for this purpose.
  • For any events taking place at a Greek House, the host organization and all co-sponsoring or paired organizations must have an up-to-date Certificate of Insurance on file with OSFL. Organizations must provide documentation that their Certificate of Insurance (COI) covers the large event/event with high-profile performer or obtain special event insurance for the event. Organizations must contact their Headquarters and/or their insurance provider at least 60 days prior to the event to ensure they have coverage for the event.
  • A copy of the contract with the security company must be submitted at least five days prior to the event.
  • A copy of the contract with the performer must be submitted to the Campus Space Reservation Committee or OSFL upon request. The contract should be reviewed by Headquarters prior to signing to ensure the event is in compliance with organization risk management policies.
  • The Campus Space Reservation will provide the organization with a date in which documentation is due.
    • The Office of the Vice Provost for Student Life reserves the right to prohibit any large event or events with high-profile performers for any organization that fails to submit documentation by the required due date set by the Campus Space Reservation Committee.
    • The organization will be responsible for all fees associated with cancellations due to non-compliance with OSFL and University Policies.