Hazing Prevention Initiatives

Help us prevent hazing

Participation in student organizations should be a positive experience that focuses on organizational growth and creating a sense of belonging and connection among members. We want all students to promote the creation of a community that cares and supports one another. To that end, we encourage all students to support each other in identifying anything that may be hazing, or any behavior that may interfere with a positive organization experience.

If you or someone you know experiences hazing, you have options. 

Indiana University takes all reports of hazing seriously. Reports can be submitted anonymously at go.iu.edu/reporthazing. The Office of Student Conduct reviews all reports to assess potential next steps, including interim action, investigation, and case resolution options. Organizations will be held accountable if found responsible for hazing activities, which could include suspension from the university. 

Read the information below to help you identify if activities and behaviors could be considered hazing.

What is hazing?

Any conduct or threats of conduct that subjects another person, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or psychologically, to anything that may endanger, abuse, degrade, or intimidate the person as a condition of association with a team, group or organization, regardless of the person’s consent or lack of consent. This behavior includes, but is not limited to, direct or indirect written, verbal, physical or electronic actions or inactions. Both individual students and student organizations, including fraternities and sororities, may be disciplined for acts of hazing.

Interested in learning more about hazing and how you can help prevent and report hazing-related behaviors? Request a workshop here.

Notice any of these behaviors? Reach out and report it.

  • Being forced to eat food, consume drinks or beverages including but not limited to alcohol, inhale, snort, or insert any substance.
  • New or potential members being forced to participate in tasks or duties such as cleaning, driving, serving as event monitors more often than other members, surrendering personal items, or fundraising.
  • Any guidelines, rule, or required behavior that is intended to embarrass, mock, chastise, and/or diminish a member as a condition of membership, such as requiring new members to wear specific clothing or carry items, shaming, yelling, or name-calling.
  • Verbal and/or non-verbal behaviors that cause new members or potential members to be afraid for their personal health, safety, or well-being, such as requiring someone to do something followed by a threat of harm or removal of membership.
  • Any guideline, rule, or required behavior that negatively impacts a member’s mental and/or emotional state such as isolation, sleep deprivation, being yelled at, etc.
  • Activities or behaviors that impact a student’s ability to be successful in their academic progress, such as requiring students to miss class to attend an organization event or meeting, completing academic work for others, and/or modifying their routine so they miss class or are unable to complete their schoolwork.
  • Activities performed for the benefit of initiated members and/or groups of members such as wake-up calls, driving members, running errands, purchasing food, and cleaning.
  • Requiring new members or potential members to participate in behaviors that may include, but are not limited to, running, wall-sits, push-ups, sit-ups, and/or standing for periods of time.
  • Hitting, slapping, punching, pushing, paddling, or throwing items at an individual.
  • Guidance or rule, whether required or suggested, that limits, binds, and/or impedes a member’s ability to function such as blindfolding, dictating who members can and cannot speak to, etc.
  • Being forced to drive in the middle of the night, stay somewhere until the early hours of the morning, or adjust their schedule in ways that are unreasonable, negatively impacts their health, or impedes their academics.
  • Forcing someone to engage in sexual activity, participate in harassment, or watch sexually explicit acts.

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